
Past Event

CEEM Seminar Series | Probabilistic Prediction of Fatigue Performance of Additively Manufactured Materials via Multiscale Computational Modeling | Caglar Oskay, Vanderbilt University

February 20, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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Mudd Hall, 500 W. 120 St., New York, NY 10027 Room/Area: TBD

Abtract: Additive manufacturing promises to achieve unprecedented mechanical properties and performance in engineered systems by providing the ability to co-design the material and the structure. Design of high performing engineered systems (e.g., hypersonic airframe, etc.) that operate at or near their limit states (i.e., near failure) within reasonable cost and reliability budgets must rely on such material and structural innovations. In this talk, we will discuss new multiscale modeling and simulation strategies that allow the quantification of the relationships between the microstructure of additively manufactured (AM) metals and their mechanical performance. We will discuss new reduced order multiscale modeling approaches that allow us to perform physics-based prediction of the material response fast – fast enough to facilitate quantification of uncertainty in the material response. We will demonstrate the computational efficiency and accuracy characteristics of the proposed simulation methods for static and fatigue failure response of materials and structure manufactured by AM. Fatigue performance is of particular interest as fatigue life of AM components is both sensitive to the defect distribution induced by the manufacturing process and shows significant variability from component to component.

Bio: Caglar Oskay is Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, Department Chair and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Vanderbilt University. He served as Program Director for Engineering for Civil Infrastructure at the National Science Foundation between 2019-2021. Prof. Oskay received M.S. in Applied Mathematics, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Prof. Oskay’s research focuses on bringing understanding to nonlinear mechanical response of materials and structures through multi-scale computational modeling and simulation, specifically computational characterization of the failure response of heterogeneous systems that involve multiple temporal and spatial scales subjected to extreme and/or dynamic loading conditions, and development of enabling computational methodologies. Prof. Oskay previously held the title of Chancellor Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University. He is a fellow of ASME and ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute. Prof. Oskay also serves as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Mechanics and the International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering.

Contact Information

Scott Kelly